Thursday, March 20, 2014


To the guy on the train that pitched a huge hissy fit when we discovered that we were being diverted to Hoboken... calm down, dude.

Yes, it sucks that we will not be going into Penn Station today.  Yes, it sucks that being diverted to Hoboken adds at least 45 minutes to the commute.  Yes, we know that you are upset about it - we are too.  You just need to calm down.

Your screaming at the NJT workers will not make them change their minds and let us into Penn.  It will not magically levitate the train over the Hudson and into the city for you.  I'm sorry, but it won't.

The only thing your screaming and ranting will do is slow everyone else down as they stop to cart your ass off.  Or piss everyone else off, so that by the time we all get to Hoboken and have to stand like cattle in the hallway to the path...

... we are all about to start screaming along with you, which will do nothing as well. 

Just breathe.

Also, to the police officers that had to corral the crowd at the Hoboken Path station, I do not envy you today.  You maintained a calmness that I do not think I could have managed in your situation.

And to the guy on the Path train reading the paper, you need to learn the Wall Street Journal fold, man.  Opening the paper all the way on a crowded train is not cool.

It was a stressful morning filled with bumps, jostles, and people, but we all managed to get to work eventually.

So, to the guy on the train that pitched the huge hissy fit, I hope your day got better.

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