Thursday, June 26, 2014

Communication Phenomenon

To the ladies on the train talking over each other... I'm impressed!

The train was unusually crowded this morning, so I was stuck in a 4 person seat, two-to-a-side facing each other.  Not my favorite seat.

Three women joined me in the other seats almost immediately, chatting away, obviously friends. We all settled in, me with my book and they with their phones, two of them talking away the other seemingly texting.

It took  me a moment or two to realize that they were not, in fact, talking on their phones - they were talking to each other.  Talking over each other would be more accurate.  Neither of them stopped to listen to the other, they just kept talking over each other, answering whatever the other one said without taking a break.  It was amazing.

I have no idea how they heard anything the other was saying.

Every once in a while the third lady would pop in with a "yeah," or a "totally," continuing to text all the while, each time forcing me to suppress a laugh.

I realized after a bit that my mouth was hanging open watching this phenomenon of communication.  I was only able to catch snippets of what they were saying, but they seemed to understand each other perfectly.  I was amazed. 

We were on that train for an hour and a half today due to delays, and they did not stop the entire time, talking over each other the whole way.  It was insanely entertaining. A sit-com in the making.

These two ladies were oblivious to everything except each other and the occasional "whatever" from their peanut gallery friend. By the time the train landed in New York I was exhausted, listening to them had zapped me.

They exited the train before me, and I could still hear them going from the bottom of the escalator.  I have never seen, or heard, anything like it.

So, to the ladies on the train talking over each other... I have no earthly idea how you managed it, but I must say, I'm impressed!

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